Amán, 4 de febrero de 2018 – Under the patronage of HRH Prince Al Hassan bin Talal, the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies and the Brazilian Embassy in Jordan, in cooperation with Arab Thought Forum and the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization, organized a lecture on “Invisible Mediterranean” by the Brazilian Senator, Professor Cristovam Buarque.
In his new book “Invisible Mediterranean”, Professor Cristovam Buarque addresses several topics related to humanitarian crises, including the borders that separate humanity, the reality of refugees on borders between Syria and Turkey, Arab immigration to Europe and the invisible borders that led to class segregation in the world in general and in Brazil in particular.
Professor Cristovam Buarque emphasized the importance of accepting pluralism and cultural diversity, which fosters and enriches humanity, and explained the role of education as a tool to ensure a society in which everyone has a dignified life.