The Royal Institute for Religious Studies on Thursday, March 28 welcomed a delegation of students from German universities: University of Applied Sciences in Cologne, University of Manhattan, University of Erfort, University of Berlin of Applied Sciences, University of Hamburg and University of Monster. Accompanied by the delegation Dr. Iyad Sakran, Sarah Shavargik and Pizza Mesir.This meeting was part of a visit to Jordan aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of the relationships between followers of religions.Dr. Amer Al-Hafi, the Academic Advisor to the Royal Institute, spoke about the importance of building relationships between followers of religions and the privacy of the relationship between Islam and Christianity. Dr. Al-Hafi also presented the document “Word of Swah” and its importance in building a civil religious understanding between Muslims and Christians.On Thursday, March 28th, RIIFS welcomed A German delegation of young people from different universities: University for Applied Sciences Köln, University of Mannheim, University of Erfurt, University for Applied Sciences Berlin, University of Hamburg, and Westfälische-Wilhelms-University of Münster. The delegation was led by Dr Iyad Sakran, Sara Schaffarczyk and Beyza Misir.The visit to RIIFS was part of a tour in Jordan with the aim of gaining a deeper understanding of interfaith relations in the country.Dr. Amer El Hafi, RIIFS Academic Advisor, spoke to the group about the importance of interreligious relations and the uniqueness of the relationship between Islam and Christianity. Dr El Hafi explored the document “A Common Word between Us and You” and its importance in developing a religious and civilized understanding between Muslims and Christians.