Scientific Journals

RIIFS Arabic Publications Program

The RIIFS Arabic Publications Program focuses on the study and documentation of all subjects pertaining to Christianity and Muslim-Christian relations. Its annual academic journal, Muq”bas”t Had”riya, features essays and articles in Arabic that focus on religious, cultural and civilizational issues.
The RIIFS online publication, Al-Nashra, provides a forum for the discussion of interfaith issues, particularly as they relate to Arab and Islamic societies.



RIIFS Foreign Languages Publications Program

The RIIFS Foreign Languages Publications Program addresses questions relating to religious and cultural diversity in the world at large. Its annual publication, the Bulletin of the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies (BRIIFS), is an academic peer-reviewed journal refereed by internationally known scholars. BRIIFS is intended to provide a venue for interdisciplinary academic inquiry into all fields of humanities and social sciences that bear on cultural or civilizational interaction and to situate cultural contact in a global context.

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