Seminar entitled "The spiritual values of fasting"

RIIFS and Caritas Jordan organised a seminar on “The Spiritual Values of Fasting”, in which Dr. Rami Naffa and Prof. Amer Al-Hafi participated.

Dr Rami Naffaa discussed the spiritual values of fasting in Christianity and he said  that  fasting  represents  a  very important  spiritual  ritual  in  religious  thought  as  a  means  through  which  a  person  expresses  complete  submission and submission to God Almighty.

While Dr Amer Al Hafi discussed the spiritual values of fasting in Islam and talked about the purpose of fasting in the Holy Qur’an. Fasting in Islam is not killing or harming the body. Islam’s view of the body is based on respect and appreciation for life. Human body and spirit are in harmony in one movement that seeks to find an equation for balance.

Seminar entitled "The spiritual values of fasting"
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