VI Colloquium : "Creative commonalities between christianity and islam"

His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Institute for Interfaith Studies, has participated in  the  VI  Colloquium  organised  by  RIIFS  and  the  Vatican’s Dicastery for Inter-religious Dialogue on the theme “Creative Commonalities  between  Christianity  and Islam”.

While attending the colloquium, His Highness emphasized  the  crucial  role  of  education  and  shared religious values in fortifying the foundations of justice and peace. He underscored  the  significance  of ensuring the dignity and rights of all individuals as part of the  endeavor to  establish a  new  human system where people can mutually support each other.

His Highness advocated for the creation of a platform for open discourse aimed at fostering trust  and facilitating mutual familiarity among individuals residing and interacting in culturally converging regions. Such an initiative, he noted, would empower them to cultivate  a  fresh  ethos  of  collaboration, comprehension, and joint problem-solving to tackle shared obstacles.

VI Colloquium : "Creative commonalities between christianity and islam"
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